2025-26 Before & After School Care
Join our 2025-2026 Registration Communication Email List to stay informed as we plan for the upcoming school year. Please complete the brief form below to ensure you receive the latest updates and registration information when available.
Request 2025-26 YClub Information
By completing the form, you grant us permission to add you to our communication list so we can send you registration information when it's ready. We expect the Big Walnut District's Before & After School Care registration to begin in April.
If you have questions, please contact our team at delawarecountychildcare@ymcacolumbus.org.
Thank you for being so interested, and we look forward to serving your child in our program in the upcoming school year!
2025-26 Weekly Rates | |
Before Care 7:00am-9:00am | $63 |
After Care 3:30pm-6:00pm | $66 |
Before & After Care | $117 |
Siblings receive a 10% discount, which will be applied to the second and any additional siblings' Y-Club fees.
Alternate part-time Care is only available if you are a registered Y- Club participant, actively attending either the AM or PM care and need a variable schedule for the alternating Y- Club Program. The Part time fee is a daily fee charged based on the schedule submitted two weeks in advance, not based on the days attended.
Registration Fee
$35 per individual registration due at the time of registration
The YMCA requires payment by automatic EFT with a debit card or bank account or an automatic credit card payment. Registrations received at this time may have a 2-week delayed start date. You MUST receive confirmation and start date assignment from the Registrar before your child attends the program.
Hours of Operation
Any day that school is in session:
Before Care: 7:00am* until school starts
After Care: from the time school releases until 6:00pm
*If a 2-hour delay is declared, the YMCA Before Care Program(s) within that school district will open on a one (1) hour delay. We will open at 8:00 am for Before Care.
How To Register
2025-26 Registration will begin soon.
Please click the button below to register for the 2024-25 school year.