Our Commitment
The YMCA of Central Ohio is committed to strengthening communities and creating lasting, meaningful change. Achieving our mission requires deep engagement with the community and ensuring that resources are accessible to all.
We prioritize safety, accountability, and continuous learning in our planning, programming, staffing, messaging, organizational structure, and partnerships. While our commitment remains steadfast, the YMCA of Central Ohio fully adheres to all federal, state, and local laws, ensuring a welcoming environment for everyone.

We Believe
We believe the Y must continue to lead the way to a brighter future by remaining open and welcoming to all. Our policies, practices, and programs must reflect our commitment to bringing people together and strengthening communities. We must ensure that everyone feels a sense of belonging and value as part of the Y family.

Our Changing Communities
Communities across the U.S. are constantly evolving. As neighborhoods change, it is essential that we intentionally understand who we serve and how to best meet their needs and interests.

Access for All
We believe that we are stronger when everyone feels welcome and has the opportunity to thrive. To fulfill our mission and ensure our long-term success, it is essential that Ys develop and integrate strategies to effectively engage, support, and serve all individuals. This commitment to accessibility and fairness helps ensure the Y remains a vital organization, dedicated to strengthening communities and helping people reach their full potential.

The Road Ahead
The road ahead may not always be smooth, but we are proud to walk it in the name of our great organization and our great country. Together, we will make it better.