A YMCA of Central Ohio Membership offers the ultimate in membership benefits and privileges. With presence in neighborhoods across central Ohio, the Y helps people of all ages and from all walks of life to learn, grow and thrive.
Program & Class Discounts
From swim lessons for all ages to sports, dance, martial arts, gymnastics and more, there's something for every interest at the Y. Members receive up to 60% off fee-based classes.
Camp Discounts
YMCA CAMP Willson: YMCA of Central Ohio Metropolitan Family members receive $100 off the total fee for each full week of overnight camp, for each child who is part of your membership. Does not include Mini Camp.
YMCA Day Camp: YMCA of Central Ohio Metropolitan Family members receive a discounted rate for each full week of camp as well as sibling discounts.
Guest Benefits
Included with all Young Adult, Adult, Two-Adult, Family, SilverSneaker, Silver & Fit and Renew Active YMCA Memberships:
5 FREE One-day Guest Passes
Each membership unit get 5 Free Guest Passes each year.
Priority Registration for Programs & Classes
Members are granted priority registration one week in advance of general registration for programs, classes and Day Camp.
Complimentary Memberships for Military Families
The US Department of Defense, YMCA of the USA, Armed Services YMCA, and the YMCA of Central Ohio are proud to support our local military by offering complimentary YMCA memberships to all qualifying Title 10 military personnel and their families.
Eligible military families and personnel include:
- Family members of deployed National Guard and Reservists
- Active Duty Independent Duty personnel and their families as approved by their Military Service Headquarters
- Relocated spouses and family members of deployed Active Duty personnel
Free Lockers & Senior Discounts
FREE LOCKERS while you workout. As a member of the YMCA of Central Ohio you receive access to free lockers and the use of locker rooms is included in your membership. Locker rooms include showers and changing areas.
SENIOR DISCOUNTS Senior citizens (62+) receive a 10% incentive.