Swim lessons can be an important part of developing a healthy lifestyle. Whether you’re 6 or 60, it is never too late to learn to swim. Swimming lessons at the Y are overseen by certified instructors who provide this training in a safe and fun way. Our swim lesson stage (class) descriptions are below.
Swim Starters
Accompanied by a parent/guardian/caregiver, swimmers learn to be comfortable in the water and develop swim readiness skills through fun and confidence-building experiences; while adults learn about water safety, drowning prevention, and the importance of supervision.
Swim Basics
Swimmers learn personal water safety and achieve basic swimming competency by learning two benchmark skills:
1) Swim, float, swim – sequencing front glide, rolling, back float, rolling, front glide
2) Jump, push, turn, grab – sequencing jumping in, pushing off, resurfacing, turning around, grabbing onto the wall and exiting the water.
Swim Strokes
Having mastered the fundamentals, students learn additional water safety skills, build stroke technique, develop skills that prevent chronic disease, increase social-emotional/cognitive well-being, and foster a lifetime of physical activity.
Students build confidence, cultivate their passion, and stay active through specialized tracks.
Prerequisite: Demonstrate skill level competency equivalent to (or have passed) Level 6.