• Y members should represent our Core Values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility.
  • All persons using the facility or grounds are expected to follow all YMCA policies and procedures and to conduct themselves appropriately. Physical or verbal abuse, sexual innuendo or display, or offensive behavior of any kind is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
  • All individuals must be checked in at the Welcome Desk by a YMCA staff member.
  • YMCA staff have the right to determine if any conduct or language is inconsistent with the YMCA’s mission.
  • It is illegal to carry a firearm, deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance anywhere on YMCA property.
  • The YMCA is a smoke, vape, drug and alcohol-free facility. This also includes its grounds. The possession or sale of any drugs or drug paraphernalia will lead to the revoking of member privileges.
  • Persons responsible for any loss of or damage to Y property or that of members, volunteers or staff will be held personally & financially liable.
  • Specific policies are posted in all areas of the Y branches.
  • Programs and schedules are subject to change.


  • Branch supervisors reserve the right to determine equipment competency and limitations at any time to ensure the safety of participants and members.
  • Sign-ups and a 30-minute limit may be required for cardio equipment.
  • Please return weights and dumbbells to storage racks when done.
  • Please clean your workout area, and wipe down all equipment after using.


  • Please wear proper gym, swim and workout attire. The YMCA reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of all attire and respects individuals who may wear attire that is reflective of their culture.
  • Street shoes are not permitted on the gym floor, pool deck, court surfaces or fitness equipment.

Personal Training

Based on the recommendations of the National YMCA of the USA, and because personal training services are offered by the YMCA, only YMCA of Central Ohio certified personal training staff members will be allowed to utilize YMCA facilities for personal training services.


Do not leave locks on daily-use lockers.

Please store your personal belongings in a locked locker (bring your own lock). The YMCA is not responsible for any items stolen in the facility or from the grounds.

All individuals should use the restroom/locker room that matches their gender identity, including those who are 5 years and older. The Y offers family changing rooms for those with disabilities, as well as for children who are old enough to use the gender identified locker rooms, but still need assistance.

The YMCA of Central Ohio has a strong record of both protecting personal privacy and modesty in our facilities which are both safe and accommodating while serving and including all members of the community equally.


Cell phone, camera or video camera use is strictly forbidden in the locker rooms and rest rooms.


The Y may take pictures and videos of various activities for promotional use. Please let us know if you do not wish to be included in these medias.


  • Any class without a minimum number of participants may be subject to cancellation. Classes cancelled by the Y will be made up or credits will be issued.
  • Credits must be submitted to and approved by a Program Director.
  • Refunds will only be given with a doctor’s written notice and approval of a Program Director.
  • Any other class missed by a participant cannot be made up. Schedules are subject to change.


  • Please enter and exit the pool area through the locker rooms only.
  • Non-swimmers of any age are not permitted in the deep end of the pool.
  • Children/youth who need assistance or a flotation device must have an adult in the water with them and will not be permitted in the pool’s deep end.
  • To ensure our members’ safety, all youth ages 15 and under are required to take a swim test if they wish to swim in the deep end of our swimming pools. Check with your branch to learn more.
  • Y lifeguards reserve the right to test the swimming competency of any participant at any time if their ability to safely utilize the deep end of the pool is in question.
  • Any class without a minimum of 4 participants may be subject to cancellation. The pool schedule is subject to change.
  • Please see additional rules in the pool and hot tub area before use.
  • To ensure the safety of our members and guests, it is the policy of the YMCA of Central Ohio to close outdoor pools due to thunder and/or lightning; pools will reopen 30 minutes after the last trace of thunder and/or lightning.


Many Y members are welcome to bring guests.  Each location may maintain different policies at the discretion of their Executive Director.  Age and schedule restrictions may apply.  Please contact your local YMCA's Welcome Desk to inquire about guest policies.  In general:

  • Each membership includes 5 free guest passes per year.
  • Guests must be accompanied by the member.
  • Guest passes are valid for one day only.
  • Only members age 18 and older may bring a guest to the Y.
  • Guests over age 16 are required to present a current photo ID.
  • Guests under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult member.


Your privacy is important to us, therefore we will not sell, rent or give your name and address to anyone for any reason outside of the Y.

The YMCA of Central Ohio typically communicates the following information via email, phone call and/or text:

  • Exclusive offers, new programs or classes and special events
  • Member Satisfaction Surveys
  • Account issues
  • E-newsletters


The protection of members, volunteers and guests who are participating in programs or are using YMCA facilities is of paramount concern to the Board and Staff of the YMCA of Central Ohio. The Y regularly reviews sex offender registries and denies access and/or membership to any person the Y learns is a registered sex offender.


As the winter season approaches, please make note of the following weather emergency policies for the YMCA of Central Ohio

The YMCA of Central Ohio will close only in the event of extreme weather conditions (Level 3); decisions to delay or close are made based on short and long-term meteorological reports.

Recognizing that some members and employees live a significant distance from locations, use your best judgment in deciding whether or not it is safe to drive.

Snow Emergency: (As determined by the county where the branch is located)

If a Level 1 Snow Emergency is declared, YMCAs within the affected area will maintain operation as usual.  No closings or delays will be initiated.
If a Level 2 Snow Emergency is declared, branches in the affected area MAY delay opening or close early; classes/programs at affected branches MAY be canceled.  The decision to alter programs/hours will be made by the branch executive in conjunction with his/her immediate supervisor. If open, branch executives should evaluate staffing needs and allow staff who are not essential to keeping the building open to leave.
If a Level 3 Snow Emergency is declared, YMCAs within the affected area will close, and all classes/programs will be canceled.
Announcements about delays and closures will be made through the website, mobile app notifications, social media and local news stations.